Wednesday, November 26, 2014

On November 25,2014 fox news published an article named “A look at US military action across the Middle East amid fight against the Islamic State group.” I am writing about this topic because I believe that we should monitor and give full support to the troops at all times. I also think that this article is great because it gives individual progress reports on Islamic states. For instance the article states that Obama this month has all ready authorized the deployment of another 1500 troops to Iraq, which causes the amount of troops to almost double (3100 Troops). As far as Afghanistan goes troops have been coming home for a while now. The article states that Obama hope to have them all home by 2016 which is very exciting for many Americans over seas.  The tensions in Syria are being handled by airstrikes that have been launching since September 2014.The article also says that we have begun to drop weapons to the kurds, in hopes that they will over throw President Bashar Assad. I found this article very interesting because it’s a nice to the point update on the Middle East.  I think that we should all pay attention to the troops because if you cant stand behind our troops while bullets are flying, you can feel free to stand in front of them. 


  1. Lorezeno,

    First, ISIS did not pop out of nowhere. The civil war in Syria has been waging for quite some time now and there are possibly more factions than the number of stars on the US flag. The same men have been fighting the same war long before we took notice, only their name and their flag has changed, where as their agenda was always the same. Now it is very possible that the US was involved in creating the civil war in Syria and possibly supplied weapons and even trained some of the rebels, but you cannot say the ISIS appeared out of nowhere in the span of a few months. And also, don't forget that a lot of the weapons ISIS currently possess right now, are taken from the fleeing Iraqi military which was trained and supplied by the US. So most of the weapons and cash came from the direct actions of the Iraqi military.

    Another point that bothers me is that the deduction you made about the name "ISIS". First of all, ISIS does not stand for "Islamic State in Syria". It used to be ISIL in English which stood for the "Islamic State of Iraq and Levant". Than it was changed to ISIS which stands for the "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria". And you’re comparing the word ISIS to the Egyptian goddess, I mean really? This doesn't make any sense as the name for the same terrorist organization does not stand for anything close to ISIS other than in English.
    Lastly, you say that since we’re helping “kurds” to fight ISIS, the US government is trying to force the idea of invasion of Syria and Iraq, and even make the people wants such military action. While I do understand your point and agree with it to an extent, there is also another side to this argument. A lot of people especially minorities in Iraq and Syrian and Kurds have been slaughtered by the ISIS. Therefore it could be argued that the US has a duty to stop the ISIS.

  2. I agree with both Kevin and Lorenzo, that yes we should look after our US troops but my first question will be why does US always going into other countries and getting into their business when they didn't even ask for help. My main point is that US always wants to reach out and help well that's a nice thing but killing innocent people, well now that's just brutal. I agree with Kevin that the ISIS group just didn't pop out of nowhere, also i agree that the US did help Syria by training their military troops and giving them weapons that would help them fight. First of all if US hadn't gone to the middle east and "helped" the people then probably these groups wouldn't have been appeared. And yes I also agree that this so called ISIS group is slaughtering innocent people in front of the camera and therefore yes they do need to be stopped. Also when I said innocent people are being killed, by that i meant was when US drops bombs on the terrorist groups, well they aren't only killing the terrorists but they are also killing innocent people . Also in random fire the innocent civilians get shot down, i am only truing to say is that US troops should be just careful when they shoot.
