Friday, October 17, 2014

While we discover more than we ever intended on the Ebola Virus, many people are wondering, “ Should they be worried? “ After Eric Duncan passing away, he left 2 nurses who were caring for him infected with the virus. Many people have also been wondering why was Eric Duncan a West African allowed to come too the United States under such circumstances?  Hugh Hewitt wrote a very credible blog on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 called “Another Massive Obama Fail; Another Burst ofWind At The GOP’s Back” it talks about how Obama may not have done enough as president to keep the Ebola Virus out of the Western Hemisphere. I really Loved Hugh Hewitt’s blog because not only does he write what he thinks about, he embeds links to articles to prove that he has not only done his research but that he is a credible source. After reading his blog I must say that I agree with Hugh Hewitt. I think that Obamas laid back approach to the Ebola virus, is not a good thing. This Virus has the ability to spread fairly quickly. I personally think that this is a matter that need to be dealt with promptly. Hugh Hewitt also talks about the failed protocols, Hewitt says “the “protocols” didn’t work in Dallas, and the “screening” at five airports is plainly nonsensical when West Africans can enter the U.S, through non-screened airports, even as asymptomatic carriers can enter through the “screening.” He provided support to his claim by adding an article from Washington Post. In a nutshell I really agree with Hugh Hewitt’s blog I feel that president Obama maybe hasn’t done enough to protect the American people from this Virus.

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