Friday, October 31, 2014

The war on terror has been an on going war in the United States since September 11, 2001. Who could ever forget the day when our nation was placed under attack? Since that day we have been actively fighting terrorist organizations in the hope that we could prevent another act of terror. Guantanamo bay was established in January 2002. It was established in order to detain extraordinary dangerous people and terrorists. President Obama over the years has begun the process of releasing detainees from Guantanamo in order to shut it down. In May 21, 2009 Obama said “let me repeat I am not going to release people who endanger the American people” though he meant well I think that this is a huge mistake in the Obama administration. We as a Nation have gone billions of dollars in debt to catch these people and it angers me that we have been in war since 2001, attempting to capture terrorist and terrorist leaders and when we finally catch them we release them with a slap on the hand. On October 30, 2014 Fox News wrote an article Titled Former Guantanamo detainees suspected of joining ISIS, other groups inSyria.” The article has some startling news they say that out of 620 of the detainees we have released 180 have returned to there terrorist organizations and are expected to return to the battlefield. This article helps The point I’m trying to make. Closing Guantanamo bay is a huge mistake. I feel that by closing Guantanamo bay we as Americans are asking for another event like 9/11 to happen and when the nation finally realizes it will be too late.

Friday, October 17, 2014

While we discover more than we ever intended on the Ebola Virus, many people are wondering, “ Should they be worried? “ After Eric Duncan passing away, he left 2 nurses who were caring for him infected with the virus. Many people have also been wondering why was Eric Duncan a West African allowed to come too the United States under such circumstances?  Hugh Hewitt wrote a very credible blog on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 called “Another Massive Obama Fail; Another Burst ofWind At The GOP’s Back” it talks about how Obama may not have done enough as president to keep the Ebola Virus out of the Western Hemisphere. I really Loved Hugh Hewitt’s blog because not only does he write what he thinks about, he embeds links to articles to prove that he has not only done his research but that he is a credible source. After reading his blog I must say that I agree with Hugh Hewitt. I think that Obamas laid back approach to the Ebola virus, is not a good thing. This Virus has the ability to spread fairly quickly. I personally think that this is a matter that need to be dealt with promptly. Hugh Hewitt also talks about the failed protocols, Hewitt says “the “protocols” didn’t work in Dallas, and the “screening” at five airports is plainly nonsensical when West Africans can enter the U.S, through non-screened airports, even as asymptomatic carriers can enter through the “screening.” He provided support to his claim by adding an article from Washington Post. In a nutshell I really agree with Hugh Hewitt’s blog I feel that president Obama maybe hasn’t done enough to protect the American people from this Virus.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Tobacco has claimed the lives of millions however, is it possible that tobacco could potentially become a life saving medicine. On Friday October 3, 2014 CNN published an article called Tobacco Plant May Be The Key to Ebola Drugs . The Article states that through the tobacco plant they are able to make a large quantity of medicine for a much lower cost. A federally funded organization name Blue Angel, produced 10 million flu vaccines in 30 days. This rapid process of creating medicine could become very helpful because Ebola has recently become in epidemic in the United States. Thomas Duncan was the first person to contract Ebola in the US. Duncan left Liberia for the United States and lived in Dallas, Texas. Duncan on a questionnaire was asked if he had come in contact with a person who had Ebola, Duncan answered no but in fact he lived with a women in Liberia that died from the disease. So now pharmaceutical companies are now looking for ways to cure Ebola before it is too late. Madeleine Stix (author of the article) writes about what the tobacco related medicine is like “The drug is a “biosimilar form of a current drug on the market called Herceptin, usually produced by creating antibodies in mammalian cells from hamsters’ovaries”. There are many difficulties to producing plant- based pharmaceuticals, like getting the FDA to approve. The FDA has only approved one prior plant- based pharmaceutical with was Elelyso. Ebola is a quickly rising epidemic in America. It has killed at least 3000 people in West Africa and will do the same in the United States if vaccines are not produced. Can tobacco fix is tarnished reputation trough advancements in medical science?